Saturday, August 31, 2019

New Jersey Revenue Reform

In his State of the State speech, Governor Corzine identified five broad areas of revenue reform in New Jersey, i.e., pensions and benefits, shared services, debt reduction, modernization of the tax structure, and sustainability.   The centerpiece of the direct property tax relief is the tax credits in the form of 20%, 15%, and 10%, depending on the amount of income per household.   Governor Corzine was explicit about this in his speech.He was equally explicit in stating that for the tax credit system to work, there must be a solid, concrete source of funding.   For this, he pointed out the sales tax revenues and the redirected homestead rebates will supply the first influx of financing.   As for the succeeding years, the balance is proposed to come from the following: 1) cost savings achieved through regular and independent auditing by a new, nonpolitical state comptroller; 2) consolidations and shared services; 3) collective bargaining on pension and health benefits; 4) ass et monetization designed to reduce the state's credit card payments and provide the capacity to make capital investments in the future of the state; and 5) 4% cap on the increase in the property tax levy, claimed to be the key for sustainability of the tax credit system.   Each of these is supposed to contribute to the sustainability of the reform program, with the cap and the credit working off each other to attain the goal.Reacting to the speech, Assembly Minority Leader Alex DeCroce stated that â€Å"sadly, after five years of Democrat control, the state of our state has never been worse.   The toxic mix of high property taxes, public corruption, a mountain of debt, wasteful state spending and anti-economic growth policies are making New Jersey unaffordable for middle class families† (The Associated Press 2007).Superficially, Governor Corzine’s recommendations seem to be nothing more than political grandstanding, since all 120 legislative seats are slated for el ections this year.   Clunn (2006) points out that in 2005, State House representatives promised to enact real property tax reforms by year-end of 2006, with no results.   The recommendations of the State House were effectively countered by the Governor’s apparent desire to negotiate benefits reforms rather than make tax cuts, something that the State House representatives endeavored to get approved for five months.Corzine’s actions since his election have lead to the creation of a blogspot on the internet, called NJ Fiscal Folly, where citizens voice out their criticisms against the Governor.   Many individuals reacted negatively to the raising of sales taxes from 6% to 7%, the refusal of essential state spending reforms, and the addition of $270 Million to the Governor’s already significant pork (NJ Fiscal Folly 2006).For the bloggers, â€Å"any talk about setting aside a portion of the tax increase is simply blather, nothing more than lipstick on the pi g† (NJ Fiscal Folly 2006).   More so when paired with the proposed alternative budget for 2007, which involved barely any spending cuts, save for a lower contribution to the pension system, and the Governor’s threat to shut down state government unless the legislature approves his proposed budget (NJ Fiscal Folly 2006).   The sales tax increase was supposed to supply $1.2 Billion in revenues for the government.There are a few people, however, that are trying to look past the politics and are objectively assessing whether or not the proposals are actually feasible or if they will produce the desired results.   Senator Gormley, a Republican, thinks that the speech given by the Governor gave a â€Å"matter-of-fact outline of what needs to be done†, but it remains to be seen whether or not it will be done (Rispoli 2007), since talk of revenue reform has been just that, talk, for the past half a decade, with New Jersey’s property tax reliance at double th e nationwide rate.   Hester (2007) reports that legislators are hoping to have the new tax system of property tax credits in place before the bills go out this summer, which are checks mailed to homeowners as tax relief.Others reacted more constructively to the Governor’s empowered speech, such as William G. Dressel, Jr. Executive Director of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities.   Dressel (2006) applauded some of the proposed reforms while rejecting others, but stated that the recommendations will â€Å"generally help to limit future pension and benefits costs.†After a preliminary analysis of the proposed recommendations, Dressel (2006) pointed out that there are certain things lacking therein which the special session needs to provide for, such as the burdensome relationship between the real property tax payers and the members of the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System, and the enforcement of the moratorium on new benefits.   Dressel (2006) r ejected outright the proposal to ban dual elective office holding and the tying a portion of property tax relief funding to adherence with the Efficiency Commission.He also commented that with respect to the original recommendation by the governor on shared services, there seemed to be a deviation in the course being taken by the special session.   He pointed out that thus far, there were no recommendations on debt reduction and no specific provisions for sustainability, and that the proposals to modernize the tax system were deficient in supplying a funding source for the changes sought, specifically the tax credit system reducing residential property taxes by 20%.Hester (2007) reports that this 20% cut would require $2 Billion per annum and be funded by money previously allocated for property tax rebates and sales tax revenue, with the government relying on the previous year’s excess sales tax revenue to serve as initial funding, but with the need to find $400 Million mor e each year to fund the tax cut past the current year.Caslander (2007) opines that with the proposed changes, New Jersey would be better of changing its name from the Garden State to the â€Å"Tax Capital†.   Treating the proposals as being analogous to â€Å"finding free cheese in a mouse trap†, Caslander (2007) believes that the solutions will alleviate the problem only for a short term, but that the problem will remain, and in effect, the current proposed solutions will only end up compounding the problem, because the solution involves granting tax relief now but providing for its funding later.Rebovich (2006), after the first special session, commented that perhaps an ideal real property tax reform program would involve an extension of the sales tax, an increase in income tax rates, and savings from benefit reductions, as in effect, the burden would be shared or distributed among different people, and the effects on business and the economy would not be so harsh. Considering that the Governor’s state of the state speech cannot be expected to expound completely the mechanics of the proposed reform, that could perhaps account for the lack of details as to how the proposed changes will work.   At first glance, the proposals seem to conform to Rebovich’s picture of what would be an ideal real property tax reform program to alleviate the current situation in New Jersey.   Both public and private sectors are affected, and it seems that the burden is spread out.   However, there are still many things that need to be addressed.For example, how exactly will the tax credit system work?   How much will it take to develop the system and install it in place of the current system?   How will the new system be funded in order to be put in place?   These questions are as important as determining where the funding for the credits themselves will be taken.   Without concrete plans for the working and implementation of the credit sy stem, it will definitely not work, and the reforms desired will not be attained.Also, what will be the cost of implementing a new system of auditing?   And what guarantee is there that the new state comptroller will be, as he is described â€Å"nonpolitical†?   What about consolidation and shared services?   The Governor stated that this area needs some review, but there must be a specific set of rules or criteria to help determine which areas or branches should be consolidated, and which should remain independent, as well as which particular services should be shared.   As for reduction of pension and health benefits, is there potential liability on the part of the state for those who claim a vested right to the value of the benefits they receive, especially with respect to pension and retirement benefits of those who have been receiving them for years?   Spreading the burden of paying for the proposed reforms is a good idea, but is it just?   What if the state e nds up spending more because of litigation?   Then the expenses would merely be redirected elsewhere, but the burden would still be heavy for a lot of people.   The idea of banning dual elective office holding is a good idea, whatever curtailing effects it might seem to have on the right of suffrage of the electorate.Public office is a public trust, and from the person in office should be expected no less than the duty of utmost fidelity and loyalty to the people he represents.   The tendency in holding dual offices is that the efforts of the public officer will be divided, and the quality of his services might be diminished.   As for Dressel’s arguments against the Efficiency Commission, perhaps a set of rules to govern the proceedings and determinations made by the Commission, as well as a mode of appeal or review of its determinations, would be enough of a safeguard against the danger of subjectivity pointed out.Objectively, the recommendations given are feasible, but more work needs to be put in fine tuning the plans and executing them.   The cooperation of everyone is needed; instead of blindly criticizing, constructive comments and active participation can make the proposals for reform work.Reference List:Dressel Jr., William G. Legislators Haven’t Gone Far Enough For Taxpayers. 23 November 2006. 12 January 2006. ;;Hester J., Tom.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Corzine: Time is Now For Property Relief.† Courier Post Online.   9 January 2007. 12 January 2007. ;;The Associated Press. Reaction to Corzine’s Speech. 9 January 2007. 12 January 2007. ;;Rispoli, Michael. â€Å"Corzine Reiterates Need For Pension, Health Care System Reforms.† Courier Post Online. 9 January 2007. 12 January 2007. ; s.dll/article?AID=/20070109/NEWS01;Hester Jr., Tom. â€Å"Democrats See New Deadline for Tax Reform, Hope System Will be in Place Before Bills Go Out This Summer.† Daily Record. 11 January 2007. 12 january 2007. ;;Caslander, Thomas Paine. â€Å"New Jersey Should Change Its Nickname from the Garden State to the ‘Tax Capital’†.   10 January 2007. 12 January 2007.   ;;Clunn, Nicholas. â€Å"Hopes For Tax Reform Crashed and Burned.† Courier Post Online. 27 December 2006. 12 January 2006. ;;Blogger. NJ Fiscal Folly. 8 July 2006. 12 January 2007. ;;Rebovich, David P. Political Interests and Economic Reality Clash at Special Session. 2 August 2006. 12 January 2007. ;http://politics.nexcess. net/rebovich/2006/08/political_interests_and_econom.html;

Friday, August 30, 2019

Advantage And Disadvantage Of CCTV

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is a camera which is used to produce images or recordings for surveillance purposes. CCTV can be either video cameras, or digital stills cameras. Video cameras are either analogue or digital, which means that they work on the basis of sending analogue or digital signals to a storage device such as a video tape recorder or desktop computer or laptop computer wherelse digital stills cameras can take excellent pictures in most situations and can be plugged into the USB port of any computer and pictures can be taken of any camera scene.The name of the CCTV camera’s inventor is Marie Van Brittan Brown. CCTV is usually installed in areas that may need monitoring such as banks, casinos, airports, military installations, and convenience stores. In this days and age, it is critical to take security seriously. Some people think that only businesses and commercial properties need good security, but it is not only that our homes need good security too. Wit h the rapid increase of crime rates and breaking and entering, it is very important to mull over the available security options and choose one that is the best fit for us.Therefore using CCTV cameras and equipment is one of the most popular and cost effective ways of providing security in the home and place of work. The reason why CCTV cameras is used because it can act as a very successful deterrent to thieves and burglars, certainly making them think twice at the very least. The technology these days have made our work much easier. For example, it is even possible to hook the cameras up to an ordinary television or computer to watch the footage. In this report we are going to discuss on the pros and corns of a CCTV camera system.BODY:The use of CCTV (close circuit television) cameras in streets, stations, shops and other public places has increased rapidly in recent years. I completely agree with the statement above. We can’t overlook at the importance of CCTV in our daily lives. Indirectly CCTV makes our lives much easier because it protects the public, buildings and vehicles. One of the importance of CCTV are to prevent crime. All of us are worried about crime. CCTV cameras can not only catch criminals in the act, but the existence of CCTV systems can make a would-be criminal think twice beforecommitting any wrong-doing. There are many different types of crimes, including from crimes against persons to victimless crimes and also violent crimes to white collar crimes. Crimes against persons are also called personal crimes. For example, murder, forced attack, rape, and robbery. Next is a victimless crime. It is an offense that lacks an exclusive victim who is the object of the crime. This offense is usually against society itself through norms, values, attitudes, and beliefs.For example when someone smokes or uses cocaine they are going against cultural values about apposite behavior. They are eventually committing a crime, but there is no direct vict im, as there is when someone is robbed or murdered. Other example includes prostitution, illegal gambling, and illegal drug. White-collar crimes are crimes committed by people of high social status. For example, stealing money from one’s employer, insider trading and tax evasion. All this kind of crimes can be prevented by using a CCTV camera.There were some researchers conducted on the use of CCTV cameras and they found that surveillance systems were most effective in parking lots. The use of CCTV cameras resulted in a 51% decrease in crime As we all know CCTV cameras helps in preventing crime. Besides preventing crime CCTV cameras have other functions too which are beneficial to us. CCTV cameras can be used as a useful piece of evidence in lawsuits. In legal cases of robbery and other forms of crime, videos and images provided by the CCTV camera system can serve as a valid proof and evidence against the defaulter.To be more specific if a crime is committed around us and the person accused of committing the crime was caught on camera, we will have an extra and strong piece of evidence for a court case. To confirm that the person accused did indeed commit the crime, jurors and judges can watch footage or view photos that was recorded and captured from the security cameras. By doing so not only will we be preventing the same person from causing us more trouble in the future, but we'll be helping out our entire community. Eventually, this useful piece of evidence by the CCTV camera can help law enforcement to solve crime.Whenever someone is caught on CCTV camera committing a crime, police and other law enforcement officials resembling customs officers, probation officers, immigration officers, and corrections officers can use the footage to release video or photos to the public via various media outlets like newspapers, magazines and internet. Many of us don’t realize that having a picture of the suspect can make a world of difference when it comes to making an arrest and getting dangerous criminal off the street. Besides those that was stated above, with the use of CCTV camera we are able to keep an eye on children, elderly folks and things.Many of us are too busy out there that we are not aware of what is going on at home. With a CCTV system at home, we will be able to monitor the safety of children and elderly folks while we are away. More to the point, we can also keep an eye on maid and make sure nothing out of the ordinary is going on. That is if we were to keep track on what’s happening at home. What if it’s about work? If we can't be at the office all the time but like to know what's going on, installing a security camera can help do just that.We can keep an eye on things from our home computer with a few quick clicks of your mouse and at the same time we can make sure our work related matter is running smoothly and nothing out of the ordinary is going on. If we have our own business and staff working un der us, CCTV is the best equipment that can protect our staff physically against violence from customers. At the same time, it can also protect them against false accusations that perhaps may be coming from colleagues or even from client and customers.It is also helpful to keep track on the activities of the staff. Although we are told that a CCTV camera help in the fight against crime and has many benefits, however some people are opposed to their use. They believe that everyone has a right to privacy. As we all know where there is good there is bad also. Invasion of privacy is the major issue that everyone would bring up when it comes to any security system device like the CCTV camera system. The role of CCTV cameras is to constantly monitor the activities of people working and living in a location.This actuality alone upsets people, mainly because many of us simply don't like our privacy being marched into. We don’t look at the reason why the CCTV equipment is there. For e xample, when a CCTV camera is installed at a work place all the activities that are done by the employees are being recorded. Basically, it lowers the employee self-esteem and hampers productivity at times. Employees may feel ill at ease due to the constant monitoring of every activity. Besides that, hacking is one of the issues that is related to privacy.The value of CCTV information has increased as the value of shares in market. This results in a higher risk from hackers. Hacking CCTV footage has led to privacy issues. The most common issues and are happening often among our community are images captured by CCTV of naked women distributed across the Internet. Complete protection of public security systems from hackers is definitely not possible. The reason is because the system connects to a network, therefore hackers can hack into the system virtually from outside locations easily.Another example is if there is a CCTV camera installed near an ATM machine, hackers can easily hack the video of that camera and can easily get the pin code and any other information about a customer or ATM user which he wants. Therefore, installing a CCTV camera in the wrong place could lead to a privacy violation. Property managers should play their role by being sure they're not acquiring any legal risks before setting up CCTV equipment. Besides those disadvantages that were mentioned above there is another disadvantage of CCTV camera.Not everyone can afford to get it because the price range of CCTV camera is from RM1,500 (the cheapest) to RM10 000 and more depending on the brand. The initial cost per camera is high. Moreover the installation of CCTV camera may also increase the initial expenditure depending upon the complexity of the CCTV camera system as well. For example, if a property manager or owner is taking into account to equip a whole building with ample amount of surveillance equipment, then he's looking at quite a bulky bill.Not only that, once CCTV cameras are bou ght they must also be installed correctly by experts and monitored regularly, which eventually drives the cost up. Another disadvantage of CCTV camera system is that they can only monitor a limited area not every area of your office or home at all times. So many people don’t consider it as a foolproof method for crime prevention. Usually most CCTV cameras are installed out of the reach of humans, but sometimes a camera can still get damaged. Criminals who have intention to rob or do crime can vandalize the cameras in various ways, such as sticking gum or spraying something on the lens.With that the CCTV camera will not be able to monitor any wrong doing of theirs. Besides sticking gum and spraying, they may even be able to change the angle of the camera. As we all know technology are evolving all of the time. The same goes for CCTV systems. When older models are replaced by new systems, the result is often a mix of both modern and old cameras, and this can lead to incompatibi lities between systems. Older cameras might also produce low-quality footage that might not be accepted by a court as evidence if continued to be used for long.Other than that, the camera might miss details. For example, a covered weapon which is not immediately visible on a person might not show up on CCTV footage and a CCTV camera might not catch all activity due to its position. CCTV cameras can be sensitive to hostile weather and so are generally installed in sheltered or indoor locations. Lastly, CCTV equipment is sensitive to knocks and can malfunction if interfered with in this way. Therefore, the process of monitoring can be interrupted.CONCLUSION:In a nutshell, CCTV camera has its own pros and corns.  Some people agree that these cameras help in the fight against crime, but not all the five fingers are the same. However some people are opposed to their use because they believe that everyone has a right to privacy. I personally feel that CCTV cameras should be installed in most of the places to decrease the crime rate that is increasing rapidly in our country. One strong reason to support my opinion is despite all these disadvantages CCTV camera still allows us to secure our place to a great deal. I agree that it has disadvantages but we all know nothing is perfect.The disadvantage can be solved by using different methods. These days CCTV cameras are becoming increasingly affordable to install. In order to install CCTV surveillance systems it is a one-time expense. It is better to install a CCTV camera instead of hiring multiple security officers to monitor several different areas of your establishment or town. A handful of officers can practically â€Å"patrol† an area from a comfort that monitors a wide area, reducing manpower costs to provide the same level of security. I would like to stress that CCTV camera is very useful equipment and its advantage outweigh the disadvantage. Advantage And Disadvantage Of CCTV Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is a camera which is used to produce images or recordings for surveillance purposes. CCTV can be either video cameras, or digital stills cameras. Video cameras are either analogue or digital, which means that they work on the basis of sending analogue or digital signals to a storage device such as a video tape recorder or desktop computer or laptop computer wherelse digital stills cameras can take excellent pictures in most situations and can be plugged into the USB port of any computer and pictures can be taken of any camera scene.The name of the CCTV camera’s inventor is Marie Van Brittan Brown. CCTV is usually installed in areas that may need monitoring such as banks, casinos, airports, military installations, and convenience stores. In this days and age, it is critical to take security seriously. Some people think that only businesses and commercial properties need good security, but it is not only that our homes need good security too. Wit h the rapid increase of crime rates and breaking and entering, it is very important to mull over the available security options and choose one that is the best fit for us.Therefore using CCTV cameras and equipment is one of the most popular and cost effective ways of providing security in the home and place of work. The reason why CCTV cameras is used because it can act as a very successful deterrent to thieves and burglars, certainly making them think twice at the very least. The technology these days have made our work much easier. For example, it is even possible to hook the cameras up to an ordinary television or computer to watch the footage. In this report we are going to discuss on the pros and corns of a CCTV camera system. BODY:The use of CCTV (close circuit television) cameras in streets, stations, shops and other public places has increased rapidly in recent years. I completely agree with the statement above. We can’t overlook at the importance of CCTV in our daily lives. Indirectly CCTV makes our lives much easier because it protects the public, buildings and vehicles. One of the importance of CCTV are to prevent crime.All of us are worried about crime. CCTV cameras can not only catch criminals in the act, but the existence of CCTV systems can make a would-be criminal think twice before  committing any wrong-doing. There are many different types of crimes, including from crimes against persons to victimless crimes and also violent crimes to white collar crimes. Crimes against persons are also called personal crimes. For example, murder, forced attack, rape, and robbery. Next is a victimless crime. It is an offense that lacks an exclusive victim who is the object of the crime. This offense is usually against society itself through norms, values, attitudes, and beliefs.For example when someone smokes or uses cocaine they are going against cultural values about apposite behavior. They are eventually committing a crime, but there is no direct victim, as there is when someone is robbed or murdered. Other example includes prostitution, illegal gambling, and illegal drug. White-collar crimes are crimes committed by people of high social status. For example, stealing money from one’s employer, insider trading and tax evasion. All this kind of crimes can be prevented by using a CCTV camera.There were some researchers conducted on the use of CCTV cameras and they found that surveillance systems were most effective in parking lots. The use of CCTV cameras resulted in a 51% decrease in crime As we all know CCTV cameras helps in preventing crime. Besides preventing crime CCTV cameras have other functions too which are beneficial to us. CCTV cameras can be used as a useful piece of evidence in lawsuits. In legal cases of robbery and other forms of crime, videos and images provided by the CCTV camera system can serve as a valid proof and evidence against the defaulter.To be more specific if a crime is committed around us and the person accused of committing the crime was caught on camera, we will have an extra and strong piece of evidence for a court case. To confirm that the person accused did indeed commit the crime, jurors and judges can watch footage or view photos that was recorded and captured from the security cameras. By doing so not only will we be preventing the same person from causing us more trouble in the future, but we'll be helping out our entire community. Eventually, this useful piece of evidence by the CCTV camera can help law enforcement to solve crime.Whenever someone is caught on CCTV camera committing a crime, police and other law enforcement officials resembling customs officers, probation officers, immigration officers, and corrections officers can use the footage to release video or photos to the public via various media outlets like newspapers, magazines and internet. Many of us don’t realize that having a picture of the suspect can make a world of difference when it c omes to making an arrest and getting dangerous criminal off the street. Besides those that was stated above, with the use of CCTV camera we are able to keep an eye on children, elderly folks and things.Many of us are too busy out there that we are not aware of what is going on at home. With a CCTV system at home, we will be able to monitor the safety of children and elderly folks while we are away. More to the point, we can also keep an eye on maid and make sure nothing out of the ordinary is going on. That is if we were to keep track on what’s happening at home. What if it’s about work? If we can't be at the office all the time but like to know what's going on, installing a security camera can help do just that.We can keep an eye on things from our home computer with a few quick clicks of your mouse and at the same time we can make sure our work related matter is running smoothly and nothing out of the ordinary is going on. If we have our own business and staff workin g under us, CCTV is the best equipment that can protect our staff physically against violence from customers. At the same time, it can also protect them against false accusations that perhaps may be coming from colleagues or even from client and customers.It is also helpful to keep track on the activities of the staff. Although we are told that a CCTV camera help in the fight against crime and has many benefits, however some people are opposed to their use. They believe that everyone has a right to privacy. As we all know where there is good there is bad also. Invasion of privacy is the major issue that everyone would bring up when it comes to any security system device like the CCTV camera system. The role of CCTV cameras is to constantly monitor the activities of people working and living in a location.This actuality alone upsets people, mainly because many of us simply don't like our privacy being marched into. We don’t look at the reason why the CCTV equipment is there. F or example, when a CCTV camera is installed at a work place all the activities that are done by the employees are being recorded. Basically, it lowers the employee self-esteem and hampers productivity at times. Employees may feel ill at ease due to the constant monitoring of every activity. Besides that, hacking is one of the issues that is related to privacy.The value of CCTV information has increased as the value of shares in market. This results in a higher risk from hackers. Hacking CCTV footage has led to privacy issues. The most common issues and are happening often among our community are images captured by CCTV of naked women distributed across the Internet. Complete protection of public security systems from hackers is definitely not possible. The reason is because the system connects to a network, therefore hackers can hack into the system virtually from outside locations easily.Another example is if there is a CCTV camera installed near an ATM machine, hackers can easily hack the video of that camera and can easily get the pin code and any other information about a customer or ATM user which he wants. Therefore, installing a CCTV camera in the wrong place could lead to a privacy violation. Property managers should play their role by being sure they're not acquiring any legal risks before setting up CCTV equipment. Besides those disadvantages that were mentioned above there is another disadvantage of CCTV camera.Not everyone can afford to get it because the price range of CCTV camera is from RM1,500 (the cheapest) to RM10 000 and more depending on the brand. The initial cost per camera is high. Moreover the installation of CCTV camera may also increase the initial expenditure depending upon the complexity of the CCTV camera system as well. For example, if a property manager or owner is taking into account to equip a whole building with ample amount of surveillance equipment, then he's looking at quite a bulky bill.Not only that, once CCTV cameras are bought they must also be installed correctly by experts and monitored regularly, which eventually drives the cost up. Another disadvantage of CCTV camera system is that they can only monitor a limited area not every area of your office or home at all times. So many people don’t consider it as a foolproof method for crime prevention. Usually most CCTV cameras are installed out of the reach of humans, but sometimes a camera can still get damaged. Criminals who have intention to rob or do crime can vandalize the cameras in various ways, such as sticking gum or spraying something on the lens.With that the CCTV camera will not be able to monitor any wrong doing of theirs. Besides sticking gum and spraying, they may even be able to change the angle of the camera. As we all know technology are evolving all of the time. The same goes for CCTV systems. When older models are replaced by new systems, the result is often a mix of both modern and old cameras, and this can lead to incompa tibilities between systems. Older cameras might also produce low-quality footage that might not be accepted by a court as evidence if continued to be used for long.Other than that, the camera might miss details. For example, a covered weapon which is not immediately visible on a person might not show up on CCTV footage and a CCTV camera might not catch all activity due to its position. CCTV cameras can be sensitive to hostile weather and so are generally installed in sheltered or indoor locations. Lastly, CCTV equipment is sensitive to knocks and can malfunction if interfered with in this way. Therefore, the process of monitoring can be interrupted. CONCLUSION: In a nutshell, CCTV camera has its own pros and corns.Some people agree that these cameras help in the fight against crime, but not all the five fingers are the same. However some people are opposed to their use because they believe that everyone has a right to privacy. I personally feel that CCTV cameras should be installed in most of the places to decrease the crime rate that is increasing rapidly in our country. One strong reason to support my opinion is despite all these disadvantages CCTV camera still allows us to secure our place to a great deal. I agree that it has disadvantages but we all know nothing is perfect.The disadvantage can be solved by using different methods. These days CCTV cameras are becoming increasingly affordable to install. In order to install CCTV surveillance systems it is a one-time expense. It is better to install a CCTV camera instead of hiring multiple security officers to monitor several different areas of your establishment or town. A handful of officers can practically â€Å"patrol† an area from a comfort that monitors a wide area, reducing manpower costs to provide the same level of security. I would like to stress that CCTV camera is very useful equipment and its advantage outweigh the disadvantage.

Economic Forecasting Paper Essay

Two historical economic data where information can be found are Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce and FRED, Economic Time-Series Database. The FRED database comprises the national economic and financial statistics as well as interest rates, consumer price indexes, employment and population and trade data. This database is a valuable source because this consents populaces to see how the country’s financial state is. The Bureau of Economic Analysis includes estimates concerning national, international, and regional economic activity. The first source that I would use is the U.S Department of Commerce/ Bureau of Economic Analysis. I would use this source because the data here is first accurate and for the most part of to date. This site gives you real up to date data on the real GDP. This resource gives you data on consumer spending which is one important resource that needs to be looked at and tells us how the economy is doing. The second source that I would use is the National Bureau of Economic Research. This site gives you additional sites for gathering data relating to historical economic data. For economic forecast data I would use information gathered from Dow Jones Average which provides not only historical data and can gives us an outlook on how the economy is doing and can predict the future on our economy. With these resources a qualitative factor can be that most of these resources can expert driven who can in turn see the short term goals of business and products. The quantitative factors in these resources eliminate the experts and rely on the people and focuses on the long run of the economy. It also provides statistics decision influenced by the government officials, business people, households and individuals. The quantitative of each site is that they included tax list information and census return evidence. The Bureau of Economic Analysis and FRED database qualitative used are they both expound on the findings that are encompassed in the database. The area that was not comfortable to me was about the measureable and qualitative. I did not fully comprehend what the real variance is and after reading the material it seem as if they both mean the same. Plant genetic resources constitute our invaluable assets to meet the growing  demands to increase crop production and productivity. Plant genetic resources are the genetic material of plant which determined their characteristics including their ability to adapt and survive. The PGR profile of a crop includes its wild species, weedy companion species, sub-species, botanical varieties, land races, ancient and heirloom cultivates, genetic stocks, along with obsolete and modern cultivates that make up the total gene pool of the crop. PGR in the form of seeds and plants provide the raw materials that scientists use to address crop production challenges and develops new crops. Scientists use these resources to develop knowledge valuable in copying with inadequate water supplies, diseases, heat, and cold tolerance, and understand their nutritional properties. PGR provides the genomic variability and the essence of crop improvement program, without adequate germ plasma. A plant breeder’s success will be deficient. Through about 30 plant species provide the major food and energy sources, some 3000 species of cultivated plants are grown worldwide for various purposes. Chauncey Burns This week’s focus does relate to my field because I work for a Medicare part D drug plan. Having an indication of how and what the historical records collect it gives me a better understanding of how they regulate the group of people who may qualify for Medicare assistance each year. Curtavia McConnell The topics I felt comfortable with were the impact on various factors that has aggregate demand and supply. I struggled most was with the evaluating the effectiveness of changes in the fiscal policies using the Keynesian and Classical models. There is no stable market; there is a constant need of supply in demand in my place of work. Corey Johnson This week’s topics were very good and I understood them. I have to side with both the Keynesian and the Classical models because I think that this economy needs a little bit of both in order to survive. The government and the people need to work together to make it work but they people should have a say. References U.S. Department of Commerce. (2012). Retrieved from Bureau of Economic Analysis:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Story hotel --- distribution channels Research Paper

Story hotel --- distribution channels - Research Paper Example For instance, through its website and other internet-based social networking sites, the hotel offers online booking services, reservations, customer care services, and coupon rewards. This enables it to connect with the clientele in real-time over the virtual space. Theorists of distribution channels agree that the essence of a reliable distribution channel lies in its capacity to spread information about the nature, value, and quality of products to the specific markets (Ranchhod & Gurau, 2007). In the hotel and hospitality industry, the goods and services may vary in range, complexity, value and quality. Similarly, the kind of targeted clientele often vary in line with the variables of geography, locality, gender, socioeconomic status, race, culture, and many other variables. At the same time, changes in time and lifestyles often affect the nature of preference and the demands of the market. The strategies adopted by Story Hotel are meant to make use of these aspects of business by utilizing the synergistic aspects of the positive forces while developing strategies to overcome the stifling influence of negative forces. Macroeconomic factors determine the manner in which a distribution channel impacts on the targeted clientele (Ranchhod & Gurau, 2007). ... Essentially, Story Hotel’s multiple distribution channels are designed to attract two broad categories of customers. These include leisure and business customers. The market reach of the distribution channels is flexible in the sense that it spurns from the local clientele to the international groups. One of the strengths of the distribution channel as controlled by Story Hotel is that it is able to attract and retain customers by regulating its distribution channels in a manner that portrays its competitive advantage on the market. This strategy makes it possible for the hotel to maintain and increase the volume of clientele locally and globally, besides breaking into new market segments previously controlled by competitors. The Hotel also relies on a system that enables it to break into unexplored market segments at the local and international arena. For instance, the regulation of prices has made the hotel a favourite choice of people from across the socioeconomic ladder. S tory Hotel markets itself as a favourite destination both for the domestic customers and those from across the space. Through the internet resources, the Hotel disseminates the right kind of information that would be of value to customers who want to make their travel budgets ahead of the journey. Some of the information relayed to customers includes issues of location. The internet distribution channels provide resourceful information, which would help the targeted clientele to make informed decisions as to matters of convenience. The strategic location of the hotel, according to the information supplied from the online sources, offers vantage opportunities for the customers to access other services and amenities around the city (Story

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Article summary on 'Quality Process' Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary on 'Quality Process' - Article Example One also realizes that quality control in the garment industry is very important because if it does not meet the standards of the buyer, it would mean lost sales for the company. Application to Course: Quality control is an important aspect of operations management. The Fault Analysis Card, which was introduced in the discussion is fundamental to the operations management system (Alagulakshmi & Vanitha, n.d., p. 3). What One Learned: One learned a lot about the quality control system in a garment company. One learned of the various approaches in quality control and the different quality control functions of the textile materials. The article also specified the quality-related problems in garment manufacturing. Assessment of the Article’s Content: The article is very informative. The data offered was presented in a manner that could easily be understood by the readers. The article presented valuable information on quality control in the garment industry. It also highlighted the importance of quality control in the industry. It emphasized the value of communication and training in coming up with an effective and efficient quality control system. Alagulakshmi, V., & Vanitha, K. S. (n.d.). Quality systems for garment manufacture . Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Literary Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Literary Analysis - Research Paper Example The idea of the bug that Gregor Samsa becomes is intended to be loathsome, toxic, and unpleasant; something avoided by humans. This concept is essential to interpreting any of Kafka’s work. Kafka’s storytelling is characterized by pessimism, dark humor, and a keen wit. It exposes his underlying cynicism shaped by a life of exploitation, misery and injustice. Within this story, Kafka uses Gregor as a symbol and a means by which he could explore his own difficult relationship with his father as well as his sense of alienation from society. Gregor's metamorphosis causes him to be treated as something less than human, a feeling Kafka felt deeply as evidenced in its appearance in many of his other writings. Through Gregor's metamorphosis, Kafka is able to express the pain of his personal existence, allowing Gregor to reveal Kafka's social situation and embody the author's sense of social, religious, and philosophical alienation. There are too many biographical similarities b etween the fictional Gregor Samsa and the real Franz Kafka to deny the link and the probability that Gregor's impressions are closely aligned with those of his author. At the beginning of the story, Gregor is painted as the good son. He is a simple man, hardworking employee, and is highly self-sacrificing as he struggles to both support his family and pay off his parents' debts. He does all this without complaint even though he is afforded little consideration or appreciation from the family he is attempting to help. This image of Gregor's home life is very similar to what is known of Kafka's home life, particularly as it relates to the relationship between Kafka/Gregor and their respective fathers. Kafka's father, Herman, was a businessman who had little understanding or patience for a son that would not follow in his capable footsteps (Brod, 1976). After hearing his shortcomings recited to him over the course of years, Kafka felt reviled and unwanted, like vermin. This is confirme d in his unpublished â€Å"Letter to His Father†, in which he even refers to himself as â€Å"Ungeziefer† (Kafka, 2009); that is, as vermin (Brod, 43). Other evidence of Kafka's sense of intimidation by his father is the fact that he developed a stammer that became so severe in his father's presence that he could hardly communicate. This issue created yet greater alienation between Kafka and the remainder of his family, leading to a situation in which he wrote in his diary, they had become â€Å"all strangers to me, we are related only by blood† (Brod, 229). A later diary entry confessed Kafka's final analysis of this destructive relationship, writing that his father had "inevitably broken my spirit" (Brod, 231). Many of these sentiments can be found in the relationship between Gregor and his father in the story. Understanding Kafka's history makes it easy to trace how Gregor’s transformation reflects Kafka’s intense feelings of isolation and vulne rability as well as his frustration in not being able to protect himself or his emotions with any sort of ‘armor’, especially when dealing with his father. Gregor's father is immediately introduced as impatient, demanding, possessing a violent temper. When it is discovered Gregor is still at home at 6:45 in the morning, his father begins pounding on Gregor's door with his fist and turns away Gregor's breakfast. Every time Mr. Samsa enters the scene, it is with reference to violence. Upon the first appearance of Gregor before the rest of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Introduction to Global Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Introduction to Global Business - Assignment Example First, Silence is consent and it might be that their silence to contribution is a means of approval to the points contributed in the meeting. The use of individualism is a dimension that is of great impact in the meeting. If they contributed to the meeting, they might spoil the broth by changing the theme since it appears like Sue has a great trust in them. Sue being the project manager she should be motivated by the dimension of femininity and like her role as the leader for charity begins at home. She should believe in herself and things will work out as she wants. Nowadays, innovation has become a continuous event. Over years things have been changing drastically from one generation to another due to the fact of improvement from the various ideas or deeds. In the industry of music it is evident that music has been growing from various old styles to newer styles which until today have never been exhausted. New artist come up almost daily and others are being born. Each of the artists that come up has got his/her style in the music industry. Rap music is one of the fields in the music industry which has shown great success. It has grown from various themes like humor, and lightheartedness in the late 80’s and early 90’s till it begun to take a darker turn where the theme nowadays is mostly about Cars, Money, and Fame. Various groups like NWA by Eazy-E, Ice Cube and Dr. Dre are one of the main leaders of rap and they are the founders of what is now called the gangsta rap. New culture goes hand in hand with new things that come as a result of changes from the previous ways of lifestyle. The daily struggles of living in poverty and illicit ways of obtaining money became the theme and it started from there. Since then, rap has branched out with people having commercial success, and has exploded in popularity. Currently rap is not the same everywhere; it has reached a position of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Differences between bourbon, scotch, and whiskey Research Paper

Differences between bourbon, scotch, and whiskey - Research Paper Example With the increased popularity, there was major attention from the Scottish parliament which led to major taxes on malt and the end products by the 17th century. These taxes led to the distillers to go underground for their operations. Even so, the business was high. The name ‘Whisky’ has been derived from the word gaelic uisge (usky, which went on to be mispronounced as whisky) – meaning ‘water of life’ (Heart of Scotland). Scotch Whisky is renowned for the fact that they are made only in Scotland. Whisky that is made in Scotland alone have the patented right to be referred to as ‘Scotch’. Also, the Scotch Whiskies are single malt and these are known for the smoothness and the style of distillation. The development process of Scotch Whisky is labor oriented and generally involves a high level of craftsmanship for the development of the end product ( Whiskey links back to the migration of Moors in Western Europe however Bourbon Whiskey is relatively a much more recent version of Whiskey. This originates from Pennsylvania and the key ingredient here is ‘rye’. The drink started using corn as the primary ingredient once the brewery was moved to Kentucky. This was the birth of bourbon. It is important to realize that all bourbons are whiskeys however not all whiskeys are bourbons (Denison). There are a number of different variations that are used for the production of Bourbon. Of these the most commonly sold in United States includes sixty to seventy percent corn mash. However in most of the processes a little rye is added as well, as it provides the distinct flavor and spice. One of the most well known brands across the world, i.e. Jack Daniels has always been confused with bourbon; however there is a vast difference in the ingredients and the development process . The main differences is owing to the fact that Jack D aniels is charcoal filtered and goes through sugar – maple charcoal prior to the barreling process

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Use of Computer to Ones Advantage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Use of Computer to Ones Advantage - Essay Example The essay expresses the idea that computers are playing a dominant role in our today’s life. Modern technology has made a lot of jobs easier nowadays. Machines are now used to carry heavy burdens enabling fast constructions of buildings, roads, bridges and the like. These machines improved with the use of computers to manipulate them. The effects of modern technology are not just limited in such burdensome works but have affected travel and communication as well. Transportation has greatly improved from the carts pulled by horses to the manual cars, buses and trains and now, the computer-operated vehicles. This improvement brought ease and comfort in everyday travels that the world has literally become smaller. Another extent that computers have affected is the communication process. A person on the far end of the world is now able to know what is happening on the other end through television, cell phone or computer. Looking around, most people use these technologies not only to be updated with what is happening around the world but also to keep in touch with families, work and entertain themselves. Computers have become an essential part of everyday life that one cannot imagine being able to survive a day without them. Every move of the modern man now seems to be dependent on computers, from the use of alarm clocks to wake him up to the use of cell phones or computers and the internet to accomplish paper works, send and receive money as well as information, hire employees and many others.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Recommendation for Incentive Programms and Plans Essay

Recommendation for Incentive Programms and Plans - Essay Example It is imperative to go through some of these drawbacks to ensure that they do not get in the way of the company’s development. One of the incentives introduced by a manager is that of having the employees receiving a promotion or a salary raise anytime that they produce results that appeal to the expectations of the manager (Muller, 2013). This is important in that most people get into the corporate arena with the aim of earning a lot of money for them to manage or rather improve their living styles. It is important to understand that this incentive has a drawback that revolves around it failing to have negativity. Negativity in this case is the employer does not impose any challenge to the employee if he or she fails to deliver appropriate jobs as expected. It is important to have this challenge as it makes the employee realize that there is a negative side to failure. One way through which to challenge this incentive is by ensuring that the employee is charged in the case of him or her failing to deliver appropriate work. One way through which to charge the employee is by having them deducted their commissions (Hartman, 2011). Commissioning is one of the ways through which employers motivate their employees as an incentive to have them work harder save from the monthly salary they receive. It is thus only fair to ensure that they are charged for poor performance by ensuring that part of their commission is actually deducted. Another incentive that employers have is buying or rather treating employees after they achieve certain goals. This is a very motivation appropriate plan as the employees get to work even more knowing that they will receive additional benefits. However, it is imperative to understand that increased working of the employees can create or rather creates the drawback of having them not providing quality work. In the contemporary environment, there is the issue of quality and quantity. The major drawback that

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Sustainable Water Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sustainable Water - Annotated Bibliography Example In order to conduct this assessment, I have broken down the subject into two well-developed research questions as follows: I have researched regarding the subject matter in the past three weeks from 17th February to 9th March 2013. I have used five sources to assess the subject matter out of which two of the sources are published books, two journal articles and lastly an article from the website. These sources have been published within past five years which allows the research to have updated information regarding the sustainable water programs. This journal article focuses on the ways in which the water recycling can actually help the stakeholders to help in increasing the amount of water for industrial use. The article has determined an approach of assessing and providing statistics of six different sewage treatment plants. The authors have also made use of different tests regarding pH, electric conductivity etc. This has rather made the article credible in terms of information regarding subject matter. The articles targeted audiences are the stakeholders who are responsible for the development needed in the sewage system to make sure that only limited amount of water is being consumed. The tests which have been provided in the article have rather made my assessment regarding the sustainable water much easier. In other words, the usage of a more critical stance of sewage system helped me in knowing about the models which are being applied by many countries for sustainable water. The article from the website is very helpful in the research of sustainable energy because it talks about a variety of methods that can be applied with limited use of technology. These methods are not just applicable in some of the countries but everywhere because these strategies are compatible with all sorts of systems. The targeted audience of the website article is for general audience which makes the article to be quiet

Fair Value accounting Essay Example for Free

Fair Value accounting Essay The squabble on the issue of what accounting measurements will be used as the standard for financial instruments had caused the on-going debate with various proponents of accounting standard; even today, proponents of every side argues on the basis of their advantages over the others. Among these contending parties are the proponents of the fair value accounting and those who favored accounting standard based on the historical costs. Hitz (2007, p. 324) pointed out the increasing importance of fair value as an accounting measurement attributes. Hitz stated that today, the â€Å"cost and transaction-based reporting model is in decline and a new market value and event-based model is on the rise† (Hitz, p. 324). Citing the significance of fair value accounting, Hitz mentioned that starting out as a specific remedy for the iniquities of the reporting model for certain financial instruments â€Å"fair value has manifested it self as a dominant measurement paradigm for financial instruments and, more recently, has increasingly been implemented for measurements of non-financial items† (Hitz, 324) such as investment property. On the other hand, while Hitz adhere to the tenets of fair value accounting, he recognized the views of the opponents of fair value accounting particularly the criticism regarding the questionable reliability of fair value measures notably for model-based estimates relying on management’s expectation and projections. However, Hitz asserts that results on empirical research regarding value measurement â€Å"support the incremental value relevance of fair value disclosure for securities (Petroni and Wahlen, 1995; Barth et al., 1996 as cited by Hitz). The Australian accounting standards Board (AASB) though recognizes other accounting standards it recognizes fair value accounting as the main financial instruments which applies in various financial processes and transaction within AASB. The AASB defines Fair value as â€Å"the amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction† (p. 21) Fair value has been the standards in evaluating and managing the performances of a group financial assets or financial liabilities. In the ASSB 7, paragraph 9 to 11 and B 4 the ASSB require the entity to provide disclosures about financial assets and financial liabilities it has designated at fair value through profit or loss including how it satisfied these conditions (ASSB, p. 17). This clearly indicate that fair value accounting as a financial standard instrument have been effectively use and provide significant contribution to the financial situation. This is clearly reflected in the following statement from the ASSB as follows: â€Å"investment in equity instrument that do not have a quoted market price in an active market, and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured shall not be designated as at fair value through profit or loss† (p. 18). The Fair value of any investment plays an important in determining market condition as the fair value of a particular financial instrument is based on the following factors a. the time value of money, b. the credit risk, c. foreign currency exchange prices, d. commodity prices, e. equity prices, f. volatility, and g. payment risk. Regardless of the accounting standard used, accounting plays an important role in financial reporting. While M. J. Milne’s discussion focus on the importance of accounting in financial management including accounting standards that lead to increases in reported earnings,   citing the arguments of Watt and Zimmerman Milne (2002) puts it â€Å"Managers have greater incentives to choose accounting standards which lower earnings thereby increasing cash flows, firm value, and their welfare, due to tax political, and regulatory considerations than to choose accounting standards which reports higher earnings and, thereby increase their incentive compensation† (p. 372). Obviously, accounting standards contributes to the financial situation not only of the firm that uses such standards but the entire financial realm. In this case, Milne partly hinted as to why trillions of dollars went off the global financial market balance sheets and why asset values experience decline. Milne seem to mean that managers choose accounting standards that reported lower earning yet, it increase the firm’s cash flows, the firm value, and their welfare, due to higher tax and political pressures. In this case the real market value as well as the real earnings were reassigned to somewhere else or as Milne suggest, to cash flows and their value. Given this accounting standard, it is no wonder that management will lobby financial instrument that reduce reported earnings to avoid taxes, regulatory procedures, and all other costs. As Milne stressed, â€Å"ordinarily, managers are predicted to have greater incentives to lobby for accounting standards that lead to increase in reported earnings and thereby management wealth. However, since changes in cash flows and stock prices can also be affected by taxes, regulatory procedures, information costs and political costs, managers also have to consider the effects of reported earnings might have on the likelihood that such costs could be imposed on the firm† (p. 372). The trillions of dollars that were written off the global financial market balance sheets and the massive decline of asset values can therefore be attributed to these factors accompanying this accounting standard, and the commentators were partly right in their opinion regarding this massive decline of asset values. However, this does suggest that that money going to taxes, regulatory procedures, political costs, and information costs are lost money and that regulatory procedure should be viewed as negative for business activities. Regulatory procedures should be viewed in even broader terms that include all forms of social control and influence. Michael Greiffin emphasized that this should also include â€Å"not only the corporations legislative requirement but also other rules and directions, such as professional accounting standards and stock exchange requirements† (p. 2 par. 3). Graffikin pointed out that regulation is considered desirable â€Å"where there windfall profits† – where through some fortuitous event is able to make above â€Å"normal† profits. Regulations should be seen as necessary in the rationalization and coordination of economic activity so as to organize behaviour of industries in an efficient manner (graffikin, p. 3).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

J Js Fish and Chips Business Plan

J Js Fish and Chips Business Plan 1.0 Vision To become one of the fastest take away fish and chips restaurants providing customers with the most fresh, tasty and high quality products. 1.1 Mission Statement J Js Fish and Chips will be an inspiring restaurant with a great atmosphere, with a fresh and high quality sea food selection and superior service. We are dedicated to employee welfare and training. The employees of J Js fish and chips restaurant will be treated fairly and with respect as they are part of the success of the business. J Js Fish and chips will be an inexpensive experience for all our customers that will inspire customers to return in the future. The fish and chip restaurant will provide customers with a reasonably priced yet at the same time high quality food range. 1.2 Business core values When making decisions consider how will it impact on the lives of your customers and stake holders. Commitment in having high quality products and services at all times and maintaining consistency Being efficient in your productivity example reducing wastage Inspiring and motivating employees to do their best and implementing a reward system as an incentive. Encourage creativity and new ideas and celebrating small success to achieve big in the future Encouraging respect for each other and increasing teamwork and growth Implement the awareness of healthy eating 1.3 Distinctive Competencies Fast, fresh and high quality seafood that will have a wide range of selections in terms of different seafood types. Highly experienced manager in hospitality industry providing quality products and services Specialising only with seafood Supporting and endorsing healthy choices Quick and reliable service in attending to customer orders in an efficient and effective manner Providing a healthy alternative for your customers 1.4 Competitive strategy and goals: 1.5 Broad business strategies Existing and serving in the current market and expand in the next five years. Prevent misleading conduct and behaviour Proactive and more friendly staff Increase market share Satisfying customer needs 1.6 Broad business objectives 1. Having a revenue 30% higher than Cost of Goods Sold and a profit of at least 15-20% by 2013 2. remaining consistent in proving high quality products and services by focusing and improving strategy. 3. Create and maintain good customer relationship by always keeping customers satisfied through reducing waiting time on food orders. 4. Expanding and promoting J Js Fish and chips by implementing continuous improvements 5. Expanding your advertising and marketing thus sales by 10% each year continually for the first 5 years. 1.7 Description of idea/product The product range that will be offered will mainly consist of fish and chips. It is recommended that you offer at least 5 different types of seafood to satisfy different customer needs, regardless of the seafood type the customer chooses it will come with a serving of hot chips. The fish and chips will be 100% fresh as they are ordered daily and cooked as requested. The meals will be offered at different portions depending on the needs of the customer. As a part of the meal customers will be offered a range of sauces to accompany their meals these include; tartae sauce, chilli, barbeque sauce and tomato sauce. All products are 100% fresh and are supplied by local certified suppliers. The business main focus is customer satisfaction by providing fresh and tasty fish and chips with a reasonable price. 1.8Competitive advantage: Providing fresh, healthy and tasty products as it is ordered on a daily basis Offering a wide variety of healthy options example salad or grilled fish Price competitiveness compared to market industry Prime location as it is in the centre of Fairfield Providing quality service by putting customers needs first Providing highly competent employees by providing them with training on a regular basis Providing an aesthetically pleasing environment (Please refer to operations appendix) 1.9 Your main competitors After undertaking extensive primary and secondary research it was concluded that your main competitors were in the proximity of Fairfield shopping centre. (Please refer to group appendix 4.3). The products offered by your competitors are fairly different in comparison to what J Js Fish and chips will be offering however pricing strategy is very similar except that J Js fish and chips is portionally lower compared to the competitive prices. (Please refer to group appendix 4.1 and 4.2) 2.0 Economic, social, political, legal and technological environment 2.1 Legal Structure and Ownership We recommend that you operate as a sole trader, when identifying which business structure would best suit your situation, when considering which legal structure you should use the following where measured and reflected Advantage Start-up costs Control of business operations Disadvantage Unlimited liability Death of owner may result in ceasing the business 2.2 Barriers to entry A barrier to entry is where a new business is restricted in entering the industry due increase in competition. Competitors will reduce profitability for the existing entities as a result of gaining market share. The barriers to entry for the hospitality industry are lower compared to other industries (D.Bowie and F.Buttle 2004). Some of the barriers to entry are: the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, Capital requirement, (Please refer to group appendix 5.1) 2.3Licences, permits, standards and compliance As rules and regulations develop and expand they will continue to influence the hospitality industry. The standards which your business needs to comply with is the NSW Food Act 2003, which includes ensuring food is safe for sale which is suitable for human utilization, to prevent misleading conduct and to guarantee that application of the Food Standards code. As your business is in the field of the hospitality industry you will be required by the Food Act 2003 to inform and advise the authorities of your food handling activities. If you fail to meet this requirement then a heavy penalty will be enforced. Another important and very crucial Act that needs to be implemented and followed is the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000. This Act is important as it ensures the safety and health of working conditions for the employees and employers; this is done by providing research, education and training in the area of occupational health and safety. (Refer to management) 2.4 Market and industry, size of market, trends, the target market, and consumer behaviour The following trends were found for the hospitality industry for 2003-2004 and 2006-2007. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ According to Australian Bauera of Statistics (ABS) in Australia by the end of 2004 there were 15,083 cafe and restaurant businesses operating. Which included 13286 restaurant and cafes and 1796 catering businesses. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There were 1.1 million places available for new restaurant and cafe (ABS 2007). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ By the end of June 2007 the numbers of restaurant and cafe businesses in Australia were 13987. Thus in 3 years period there was a decrease of 7.2% in restaurant and cafe businesses (ABS 2007). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ In the period of 2003-2004 total income generated by cafe and restaurant businesses were $10129.6m which is on average of $671600 per business in comparison to 2007 statistics of income generated by restaurant and cafe $693700 per business (ABS 2007). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Most of the cafes and restaurants were small businesses and about 63% having less than ten employees during 2003-2004 (ABS 2007). 2.5 Market There is a global increase in demand of fish and chips restaurants, such as rapid according to Yum 2010 increase in sales at its Pizza Hut and KFC restaurants in china (Yum 2010). U.S same restaurants the sales were up by 1%. McDonalds corporation is also planned to have more than 2000 stores by 2013 in mainland China (Appendix 12.5). As mentioned above the global demand for the fish and chips restaurants are increasing however in Australia there has been 0.6% declined in trend growth in restaurant and cafes as consumers are cut back on discretionary spending and there has been an increase in sales of food in retail sector by 1.8% as consumers are looking for ways to save, thus instate of going to restaurants or cafes they just buy food from retail stores and saves (Isobel Drake 2009). In June 2007 there were 145546 people were employed my restaurants and cafes where as in the year of 2003-2004 there were 15000 employed by restaurants and cafes. There has been a decrease (ABS 2007). Also as mentioned above there has been 7.2% declined in restaurant and cafe businesses in 2007 (Appendix 12.5). 2.6Target Market According to the primary research that was undertaken we came to the conclusion that the main target market for your business would be school and university students between the ages of 11-24, in saying this another age group which you would base your marketing at is business people. We came to this conclusion that students would be highly likely to purchase fish and chips as it is a cheaper alternative and it is something quick to eat. As for business people, the research that was undertaken concluded that 45% of business people would purchase lunch on a daily basis. Also the surveys brought back a result that majority of the business people enjoyed eating fish and chips in comparison to other junk foods, in particular in the area where your business will be operating as there are numerous businesses operating there We undertook primary research and came to the conclusion that families are another market which you should target. Families tend to want to go out together and have a nice lunch or dinner that is not too expensive and to be provided with good customer service and quality food, all of which your business can provide. Therefore we recommend that your target market should be students, business people, and families, we recommend that as you expand your business later on that you will also expand your target market. (Please refer to group Appendix 3.1) 3.0Market Strategy 3.1 Price Price is the final figure that you will be charging your customers for the services provided. It is recommended that the price you charge your customers is a reasonable amount, because if you are overcharging them, they are inclined to go to your competitors. By providing a reasonable price to customers it will give you the opportunity to generate an attractive margin of revenue while at the same time providing value to customers. Thus the price of the products and services that the business will provide will be based on expenses which include variable and fixed expenses and industry average price. (Please refer to appendix 6 for meal prices). Another pricing strategy that you may want to consider in future is implementing regular discounts to encourage customers to return J Js Fish and chips on a systematic basis. It is an imperative to ( 3.2 Promotion Promotion is one of the most important and crucial aspects of the business, it involves transferring all your ideas to your target market. It is important that your customers are informed about the products and services you will offer therefore it is extremely important that you select the correct advertising mechanisms. Based on the research which was undertaken the most efficient and effective advertising mechanisms include Pamphlets Newspaper Website Internet social websites such as Face book These advertising mechanisms are recommended to be used as they are affordable and easy to implement. (Please refer to appendix for advantages operations) ( 3.3 Place Your business will operate in the suburban area of Fairfield, the location of your business can affect the amount of sales generated. Because if you choose to locate your business where the target market is minimal then it is going to be difficult to be able to sell your product and services. The amount of people passing your business is important it is crucial to consider the surroundings near the location of your business. 3.4 Product The product range is mainly fish and chips. There are four types of seafood which comes with chips. So the consumers can choose any types of fish they like and it comes with chips. The fish are 100% fresh as they are ordered daily and fried as it is order. Also chips are 100% fresh and they are also fried as they are ordered. The fish and chips dish come into vary sizes. They are small meals and large fish and chips meals. There are also 3 types of sauce ranging: tomato sauce, chilli sauce and barbecue sauce. There is also the option of buying the chips by itself, which comes in small, medium and large size. All products are 100% fresh and are supplied by local certified suppliers. The business main focus is customer satisfaction by providing fresh and tasty fish and chips with a reasonable price. 3.5 Process Processing refers to the way the business is set up from where the customer orders all the way through to customer delivery. The business system should be set up in a way that has high efficiency and minimum waiting time. Having poorly designed processes can make it difficult for employees to perform well. Procedures need to be put into place to deal with activities such as Customer complaints Serving customers Answering phone calls Being productive and helpful with customers Training employees to use equipment By implementing these processes it will make it easier to function around the working environment. It is important to implement a procedure where you will provide customers with a quick, efficient and effective service as it is highly likely that they dont want their time being wasted waiting. (For customer waiting time please refer to operations) The business should have a system where frontline and staff on the background can do their job in the most efficient way and be able to communicate effectively (refer to operation). 3.6 People: J Js Fish and chips will not be able to operate efficiently and effectively without good employees. Employees will need to provide good service to customers hence employees will need to be able to interact with customers. Your employees are the first who will interact with the customers and therefore it is extremely important that the employees have the skills and knowledge on how to deliver accommodating and supportive customer service. Hence training staff members to be compassionate and respectful when performing their job is an imperative, as it will ensure the success of your business. If you are providing high quality food and high quality customer service it will have a positive effect on your business. A way to improve and to generate pleasant working environment is by encouraging team work between employees and providing incentives to motivate employees to interact within business activities. It is recommended that your business will have at least 4 employees including yourself, hence facilitating the business to manage any amendments that may occur example an employee is ill and cant attend to work. The most significant areas staff may require training will be Using new machinery Communication skills Selling techniques Using new materials and equipment Customer service Using the Point of sale system (POS) (Refer to management section for staff training) 3.7 Physical evidence The way your product and service appears in the market has a big impact on success of the business. People form an opinion about the business from what they observe in the first minute of interaction. The physical appearance of things such as staff presentation, image of the restaurant, presentation of the food and the environment will all impact on the success of the business. As these aspects allow customers to perceive the way your business operates and the quality that your business will offer. J Js Staff members will all wear a certain and unique T-Shirt that will consist of the business logo on the right hand side. This will help to identify the employees of J Js Fish and chips as they will be neatly presented and will uphold a high level of professionalism. Group Appendix: Primary Research Appendix 1: Maximum price willing to pay for certain products: 1.1 The Maximum price Customers willing to spend on hot chips Responses Received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price $ $3.75 $2.50 $1.50 $6.00 $2.80 $7.00 $3.40 $3.60 $4.25 $4.00 $5.00 $4.50 $5.50 $4.00 $3.00 $3.50 $3.65 $3.90 $2.95 $4.00 $5.90 $3.65 $4.95 $2.50 $3.90 $99.70 $3.99 1.23 $3.70 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for hot chips was $3.99, the standard deviation of 1.23 and a median of $3.70. Therefore it is recommended that you base your pricing of the hot chips on this information. We advise you to consider the following prices for your servings of hot chips, so that you are catering for all your customer needs. Small: $2.50 Medium: $3.70 Large: $6.00 1.2 The Maximum price customers are willing to spend on a meal of prawns and chips Responses Received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price $ $8.00 $8.50 $7.90 $6.00 $7.50 $6.50 $7.00 $8.00 $8.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $6.50 $7.50 $9.00 $6.50 $6.50 $7.00 $7.50 $7.00 $6.50 $6.00 $7.90 $8.00 $6.50 $174.80 $6.99 1.09 7.00 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for a meal of Prawns and chips is $6.99, the standard deviation of 1.09 and a median 7.00, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information provided by the customers. 1.3 The Maximum price Customers willing to spend on scallops and chips Responses Received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price $ $8.00 $9.00 $10.50 $11.00 $6.00 $6.5.0 $7.9.0 $7.5.0 $6.00 $9.50 $9.00 $6.00 $12.00 $11.00 $10.00 $7.00 $8.50 $8.00 $9.00 $6.50 $10.50 $8.00 $8.50 $7.50 $7.90 $211.30 $8.45 1.70 8.25 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for a meal of scallops and chips is $8.45, the standard deviation 1.70 and a median 8.25, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $7.00-8.50. 1.4 The maximum price customers willing to spend on Scallops 3 piece meal Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $5.00 $4.50 $3.00 $6.00 $3.50 $4.00 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $5.50 $5.00 $3.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.60 $3.70 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $6.00 $3.00 $3.50 $2.00 $3.00 $99.30 $3.97 1.10 3.65 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for 3 pieces of scallops was $3.97 the standard deviation 1.10 and a median 3.65, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $3.00-4.00. 1.5 The maximum price customers willing to spend on grilled fish and chips Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $6.50 $7.50 $8.90 $9.00 $5.00 $7.90 $8.00 $8.80 $8.50 $7.90 $9.00 $5.90 $6.95 $7.35 $8.50 $7.30 $8.10 $9.35 $5.95 $6.95 $8.90 $8.10 $9.00 $5.10 $189.45 $7.58 1.35 5.45 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for grilled fish and chips was $7.58 the standard deviation 1.35 and a median 5.45, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $5.40-6.50. 1.6 The maximum price customers willing to spend on Calamari and chips Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $4.50 $3.00 $5.00 $6.80 $8.00 $4.80 $5.20 $3.90 $7.50 $6.50 $6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $8.50 $4.80 $3.80 $7.20 $8.20 $5.00 $4.90 $6.40 $5.60 $4.95 $6.20 $9.10 $150.85 $6.50 1.47 5.00 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for Calamari and chips was $6.50 the standard deviation 1.47 and a median 5.00, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $6.50-7.60. 1.7 The maximum price customers willing to spend on Calamari and chips Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $4.00 $7.00 $6.00 $8.00 $6.50 $9.25 $4.50 $8.00 $6.00 $6.00 $4.00 $7.50 $7.00 $6.50 $8.15 $6.75 $9.00 $8.00 $6.90 $7.00 $6.50 $6.00 $5.50 $7.00 $6.50 $167.55 6.70 1.34 6.00 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for fish and chips was $6.70 the standard deviation 1.34 and a median 6.00 therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $5.95-6.95. 1.8 The maximum price customers willing to spend on Garden salad Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $3.50 $4.00 $6.00 $6.50 $4.00 $4.50 $3.50 $3.00 $5.00 $5.50 $3.50 $3.00 $2.00 $7.50 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $3.50 $3.90 $3.80 $3.60 $4.00 $4.50 $3.50 $3.50 $103.80 $4.15 1.21 4.00 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for salad was $4.15 the standard deviation 1.21 and a median 4.00 therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $3.00-4.50 1.9 The Maximum price customers willing to spend on fish and salad Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $6.50 $5.00 $7.50 $9.00 $4.50 $6.00 $5.00 $8.50 $5.70 $5.95 $8.50 $6.00 $5.00 $5.50 $6.50 $6.50 $9.00 $4.00 $650 $5.00 $5.50 $3.00 $6.50 $3.50 $6.00 $147.15 $5.89 1.50 6.50 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for fish and salad was $5.89 the standard deviation 1.50 and a median 6.50 therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $5.50-6.65. Appendix 2: Primary Research 2.1 Our findings indicate that 65% (29 out of the 45 people surveyed) of your target markets prefer to purchase medium sized hot chips over small or large size. The next choice indicated that 25% (11 people) preferred small size and 10% (5 people) preferred the larger size. 2.2 Our survey results displayed that 70%that out of the 45 participants 70% preferred to drink some sort of a soft drink when eating their meals compared to 30% of participants preferred water with their meals. 2.3 Our findings advocate that 67% of the people that contributed with the survey prefer fish as there most favourite type of seafood followed by scallops and calamari at 15% each, with 3% of the participants didnt like seafood at all. 2.4 Our survey results indicate that 55%, 25 of the people who undertook the survey where not healthy conscious compared to the 45%, 20 of the people surveyed who were health conscious and would prefer a more healthy menu. 2.5 Our findings indicate that 68% of participants were more concerned with the taste of the product and that taste was a major factor that influenced their decisions whilst the other 32% were concerned with the health side of things and that health was the deciding factor for them 2.6 From the people that were surveyed a result came back that 50% of the people would eat fish and chips at least once or twice a week, followed by 25% of people who rarely ate fish and chips, and another 15% who ate fish and chips at least 3-4 times a week with the remaining 10% never eating seafood. 2.7 Our findings advocate that from the participants surveyed that the majority at 60% ate some sort of seafood at least once or twice a week, followed by 11% who occasionally consumed some sort of seafood, another 10% ate seafood on a daily basis which left 9% of people who either ate seafood sometimes or rarely. This meant that there was a remaining 1% that never ate seafood. From this survey it is clearly evident that your business will need to provide a wide range of seafood products. 2.8 The survey results concluded that 85% of the individuals who participated would be happy for a new fish and chips shop to open in the heart of Fairfield which

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysing The Effects Of Ddt Environmental Sciences Essay

Analysing The Effects Of Ddt Environmental Sciences Essay DDT is a white, solid, crystalline powder with no taste or odor. DDT (C14H9C15) is derived from reaction between chloral and chlorobenzene in presence of fumes of sulfuric acid. DDT is insoluble in water and it is soluble in organic solvents such as, fats and oils. DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is an organochlorine pesticide widely used to control mosquito and insects that carry diseases like malaria, typhus, and other harmful diseases and pest in agriculture (Martin, 2008; Raghavendra et al., 2010). DDT was banned in the U.S. in 1972 because it was identified to cause damage in birds and other wildlife, but it is still used in some developing countries (Bhuiyan et al., 2008). It is still present in environment due to current use in other countries. DDT and its breakdown products (DDE and DDD) can easily break down by sunlight, but they are very hard to dissolve in soil. DDE (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene) and DDD (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane) are two major metabolites and breakdown products of DDT. DDD was also known as pesticide, but it was banned whereas DDE does not have any commercial use (Eskenazi et al., 2009). DDT was first synthesized in 1874 by Othmar Zeidler. In 1940, DDT was first used to treat Dutch elm disease. DDT was majorly used in World War II to protect troop and civilians from diseases. In 1939, Paul Mueller discovered DDT as insecticide and he won the Nobel Prize in 1948 for it. After this, people started using DDT as pesticide for their home, agriculture purpose and in gardens (Eskenazi et al., 2008). However, DDT started to cause diseases during this time and this increases public concern to Rachel Carsonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Silent Spring. Rachel Carsonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Silent Spring was published in 1962, which contains environmental impacts of DDT in the US (ATSDR, 2002; Eskenazi et al., 2008; Martin, 2008). DDT is strongly absorbed by soil and remains there for long period of time (Bhuiyan et al., 2008). They released from soil by various types of reactions such as, runoff, photolysis, aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation and volatilization (van den Berg, 2009). In surface water, DDT will bind to particles that are present in the water and sediments. DDT is taken up by small organisms and fish from the water and then bioaccumulate in organisms to higher trophic levels. DDT deposited into the adipose tissues and fats in organisms. DDT shows bioaccumulation and biomagnification as it has lypophilic property (Bhuiyan et al., 2008). In 1950s, first evidence of DDT toxicity in bald eagles, robins, osprey, pelicans, peregrine falcon, and fish-eating mammals was observed (Xiao et al., 2008; DDT: An Introduction, 1996; Martin, 2008). Objectives This paper has five objectives: (1) To discuss the sources and main causes of DDT; (2) To discuss its mechanism of action as insecticide or pesticide; (3) To discuss the health problems and toxicological effects associated with DDT; (4) To discuss the environmental impacts of DDT; (5) To discuss control measures and various methods of dealing with DDT sources and problems. DDT in the Environment DDT is not soluble in water but it can form strong bonding with soil particles. DDT is still present in environment in soils that were exposed to DDT during earlier time. DDT is a volatile so it can be transported and evaporated as a gas. DDT is not commonly found in groundwater because it is less soluble in water and it will more likely to bound with soil particles rather than water molecule (ATSDR, 2002; Walker, M., Powell, P., 2003; van den Berg, 2009). DDT can be present in air in the form of gas or it form small aggregation with dust particles. The chemical evaporate in warm temperature and it can travel long distance as a gas from the site of application. Such as, the study was conducted in Medford, Oregon where, it has climate cooler and soil is full of organic matters. It showed only 17 to 18% evaporation of DDT from the soil during five years of time period. The similar study was conducted at Arizona showed that DDT showed its presence in the air after six months of application. It showed up to 50% of DDT evaporated out from the soil within 5 month of period of time (van den Berg, 2009; Walker, M., Powell, P., 2003). In the form of vapor, DDT has 2 days of half-life time period (ATSDR, 2002). In tropical soil, DDT has half life within the range of 3 to 7 months while it is up to 15 years in temperate soil. DDT has half life time in human is of greater than 4 years (van den Berg, 2009). DDT and DDE are low soluble in water so they generally concentrated in the top region of soil. In soil, many bacteria degrade DDT and then they converted it into DDE, which is less toxic but more persistent in the environment (Walker, M., Powell, P., 2003). Mechanism of Action of DDT as Pesticide DDT generally affects nervous system of insects. It affects in neuron and opens sodium channels, which make them to cause fire rapidly. This condition leads to spasms and then death (van den Berg, 2009). Sources of DDT DDT is a synthetic organochlorine pesticide. Many pesticide companies have been involved with DDT production. By 1991, only Hindustan Insecticides, India; Enichem Synthesis, Italy; and P.T Montrose Pesticido Nusantara, Indonesia were listed as basic producers by UN Environment Program (UNEP). It was also produced in Mexico. There is no production record found for DDT worldwide (van den Berg, 2009; DDT Factsheet, 1998). DDT is entering into environment through various natural and anthropogenic sources. There are some anthropogenic sources that are caused by human. Many studies conducted on anthropogenic sources because they can be easily controlled and eliminated to reduce the DDT concentrations from the environment. There are many reasons behind the presence of DDT residue in environment, such as manufacturing and application of DDT to control tropical diseases like malaria, transport of DDT by air, DDT production continues by using other names like Dicofol, and dumping of waste where the DDT is totally absent. These are some sources of DDT which are anthropogenic (Dymkowska-Malesa, 2009). Natural Sources Run-off The major source of DDT entering in water bodies is agriculture run-off from fields that were earlier sprayed with DDT to control insects or pests from that area. Soils accumulate DDT from direct application of DDT in to that particular soil as pest control. Runoff from heavy rains can wash deposited DDT with soil particles and sediments directly into nearby water body, which allows DDT to enter the aquatic food chain. DDT is lypophilic compound so it can easily get deposited into body fat or adipose tissues of aquatic animals and then DDT shows bioaccumulation and further biomagnification (van den Berg, 2009). Anthropogenic Sources Many lakes and streams were directly sprayed by DDT using aerial spraying of crops. DDT cannot contaminate ground water as it strongly binds with soil particles. Industrial waste and effluent from pesticide industries may also contaminate aquatic environment by DDT. Leaking landfill sites, historical uses, long distance transportation through atmosphere as a gas and illegal use of old stock are examples of sources of DDT that contaminate aquatic environment as well as atmosphere by adding DDT (Dymkowska-Malesa, 2009). DDT can deposit in plant tissues as well as in the fatty tissues of animals, birds and fish. DDT can enter into the body by three common routes such as, inhalation, ingestion and dermal exposure. Most common route of exposure to DDT is ingestion of contaminated food. It can enter into the body by inhalation and by skin but it is rare (Dymkowska- Malesa et al., 2009; Schecter et al., 2010; Sereda et al., 2009). Health Problems and Toxicological Effects Associated with DDT Humans are exposed to DDT from contaminated foods, such as leafy and root vegetables, fish, poultry, fatty meat, etc. Some countries still use DDT as pesticide, so eating foods which are imported from other countries that allow the use of DDT exposed people to DDT. Drinking contaminated water or breathing contaminated air or soil particles near waste sites, industrial areas or landfills also increase the chances of getting exposed with DDT (ATSDR, 2002; Dymkowska-Malesa, 2009; Schecter et al., 2010; Sereda et al., 2009). DDT is an environmental health issue largely because of its lypophilic property which makes it enable to store in fatty tissues of organisms and another property is biomagnification (Tomza-Marciniak, A., Witczak, A., 2009). DDT, DDE and DDD can be measured in blood, tissue, fat, urine, breast milk (Turusov et al., 2002) and semen. These are some body fluids, that shows the presence of DDT and it can only predict the chances of health effects in the person. When DDT enters into human body, it deposited into fatty tissues, adipose tissues (Ociepa-Zawal et al., 2010), and organs such as testes, thyroid, adrenal, etc. It shows deposition in liver and kidney like major organs, too (Sereda et al., 2009; van den Berg, 2009). There are two types of toxicological effects associated with DDT: (1) Acute toxicity: DDT is slightly toxic to mammals through oral route of absorption. LD50 values of DDT exposure through oral route are different in different animals such as, in rats it is range from 113 to 800 mg/kg; 400mg/kg in rabbit; 300 mg/kg in guinea pig; 500 to 750 mg/kg in dogs and more than 1,000 mg/kg in goats and sheep. When DDT enters through oral route, it increases absorption into the areas of high fats in gastrointestinal tract. DDT is generally not toxic via dermal route of exposure. Acute effects of DDT on human shows symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, irritation of eyes, nose, and throat, increase liver enzyme activity, excitability, malaise, etc. and upon higher doses, it shows symptoms like tremors and convulsions (EXTOXNET PIP, 1996). (2) Chronic toxicity: DDT cause chronic effects on the major organ systems of the body. It affects nervous system, liver, kidney, and immune system. Immunological ef fects by DDT shows reduce antibody formation (EXTOXNET PIP, 1996; ATSDR, 1994; Eskenazi et al., 2009; Sonkong et al., 2008). DDT causes reproductive effects in laboratory animals. Oral dose of 7.5 mg/kg/day for 36 days in rats resulted in sterility. In rabbits during periods of gestation, doses of 1 mg/kg/day resulted in decreased fetal weights on 4-7 days and 10 mg/kg/day resulted in resorptions on 7-9 days. Dose of 1.67 mg/kg/day in mice resulted in decreases embryo implantation (ATSDR, 1994; Eskenazi et al., 2009). DDT is also known as endocrine disruptors. DDT is a synthetic organochlorine pesticide that when entered into the body either blocks or mimics hormone systems and disrupts the normal body functions. Many studies indicate that DDT has estrogenic effects in mice, in which DDT increased the weight of uterus in mice that is called as uterotropic effect and development of pseudo estrus in rats also caused by DDT. DDT causes permanent, male-to-female sex reversal upon a single exposure of eggs to  o,p ´-DDT in medaka fish. In rats, DDT can facilitate implantation, maintained pregnancy and it can exert an uterotropic effect, too (Turusov et al., 2002; Eskenazi et al., 2009). DDT and DDE can easily cross the placental barrier to transfer from mother to fetus; therefore it can cause harmful effects to fetus (Sapbamrer et al., 2008). DDT can causes teratogenic effects in fetus or it can cause premature birth in pregnant women. Maternal dose of 26 mg/kg/day in mice during the period of gestation to lactation resulted in impaired learning performance in maze tests (ATSDR, 1994; Eskenazi et al., 2009; Lea et al., 2008; Sapbamrer et al., 2008). Health effects of DDT also include pregnancy loss during first few months, leukemia, diabetes, loss of fertility, cancer like pancreatic, liver, breast (Cohn et al., 2007; Ociepa-Zawal et al., 2010), testicular (Cohn et al., 2010), and other cancers (Turusov et al., 2002; Eskenazi et al., 2009), and neurodevelopmental deficiencies (van den Berg, 2009; Beard, 2006; Cox et al., 2007). Many studies show mutagenic effects of DDT by using in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity assays which shows chromosomal aberrations. People who directly or indirectly exposed to DDT showed higher number of chromosomal damage in their DNA. This shows that DDT causes genotoxic effects in humans. It also shows organ toxicity in major organs of human body, such as liver, kidney, nervous system (ATSDR, 1994; Eskenazi et al., 2009; EXTOXNET PIP, 1996). The immune system has shown signs and symptoms of sensitivity to DDT. There is no known data on effects of DDT on function of immune system of humans. However, some animal studies have indicated that DDT effects immune cell ratio, development of immune response, cellular response and also antibody production (Eskenazi et al., 2009). Environmental Problems Associated with DDT DDT can also cause problems for wildlife, especially birds, fish, etc. DDT enters into the aquatic environment via natural and anthropogenic sources; it takes up by some small fish or other aquatic animals. DDT is lypophilic compound so it deposited in the fatty tissues of fish or other organisms. DDT may bioaccumulate significantly in fish and other aquatic species, and it also shows biomagnification. A rainbow trout shows 160 days of half-time for elimination of DDT. Bioaccumulation occurs with very little amount of DDT concentration in fish and other aquatic species. Predatory birds or large fish feeds on them and resulted in exposure to DDT (Xiao, 2008; Tomza-Marciniak, A., Witczak, A., 2009). Many studies showed that DDT and DDE can act as carcinogenic, neurotoxic, immunotoxic and reproductive effects on animals (Turusov et al., 2002). In birds, exposure to DDT mainly occurs through food chain and sometime the direct exposure to eggs or birds also observed. In 1950s, first evidence of DDT toxicity was observed in bald eagles, robins, osprey, pelicans, peregrine falcons and other fish eating mammals. In birds, DDT and DDE reduce Ca-dependent ATPase activity in the shell gland of birds resulting in shell thinning and increased egg damage during incubation period (Turusov et al., 2002). Control Measures It is easy to control anthropogenic sources of DDT than natural sources. DDT can be removed by many chemical and biological processes. Once it gets into the food chain, recovery becomes difficult as it shows bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Many organochlorine compounds or pesticides are degraded by microorganisms. Microbes possess enzyme system to degrade organochlorine pesticides, such as dehydrochlorination, isomerization, oxidation, etc. Microbial degradation of DDT is observed by two ways; aerobic and anaerobic degradation. Many studies reported that bacteria like Serratia marcescens, Alcaligenes eutrophus A5, Lactobacillus plantarum, Micrococcus varians, and Pseudomonas sp. can degrade DDT by the process of aerobic degradation. One study reported that Fungus named white rot fungi can do mineralization of DDT (Sonkong et al., 2008). Degradation and transformation of DDT using microorganisms will provide most proficient way to deal with the problem, which is bioremediation. Boussahel et al., 2009 studied adsorption and kinetic process to remove DDT from aqueous solutions using low-cost adsorbents. During the study they used batch adsorption technique to determine adsorption efficiency using two types of adsorbents, wood sawdust and cork wastes. The result of the study was compared with a commercial powdered activated carbon. Langmuir isotherm was used to calculate the adsorption capacity. The study showed that wood sawdust is the most effective type of adsorbent for the removal of DDT from aqueous solutions. It can be used in decontamination of water and also in treatments of waste water in agriculture purpose and industries. Conclusion DDT is a toxic compound that exhibits bioaccumulation and biomagnification through food chains. After World War II, DDT started causing problems in human health and in 1950s, DDT cause detrimental effect on birds. These are some events that showed the dangers of DDT for human as well as for environment. Many studies over the years have produced considerable amounts of evidence to prove the toxic effects of DDT. DDT was banned in U.S. very long ago but some other countries still using DDT as pesticide to prevent malaria. Methods and solutions were found, that replaces DDT to control malaria. Many chemical and remediation processes was found that totally remove DDT from solid and aqueous solutions but still have much room for improvement. Due to biomagnification, the effect of small amounts of DDT will be felt many years into future. It has been so long that U.S. banned on DDT but still the outbreak of birds problems and human health problems going on. Future Research Needs Several methods found for detection of DDT including enzyme immunoassay have been developed (Hirano et al., 2008). One of the major problems with DDT is biomagnification. There are so many methods like volatilization, bioremediations, and adsorptions procedures currently being studied (Sonkong et al., 2008; Boussahel et al., 2009). DDT in soils and sediments form strong bond so it is very hard to remove DDT from soil and it cannot degrade easily in soil. Methods found for the removal of DDT from aqueous solutions (Boussahel et al., 2009). Presence of DDT in organisms like birds, fish, etc is the area of concern in future that needs to be reduced. Much future research is needed to introduce new chemical compound that can deal with malaria like diseases and is comparatively less toxic to human and environment.